The 111 Web Studio on-line competitive threat analysis takes a thorough look at your digital presence and evaluates where you are compared to your competitors as measured by a Benchmark SCOR (Strategic Competitive Online Result) and SEV (Search Engine Visibility) Report. Its goal is to determine where the main issues are so the highest priority digital marketing and SEO problems can be attacked first. It has the added benefit of telling you the strengths and weaknesses in your competitors online profiles. There are three related services:
Phase 1 Benchmark SCOR & SEV
Phase 2 Benchmark SCOR & SEV
Assessment SCOR & SEV
The Phase 1 competitive threat analysis is designed to provide a clear snapshot of your website's status as it compares to major competitors in your specific online market environment. This analysis of website and digital marketing tactics typically covers four of the eight potential categories of analysis and yields a SCOR and SEV for you and your competitors. These findings are then turned into a prioritized strategy and action plan for improving the website's online presence. The following areas are explored:
Technical SEO
Data Implementation
Organic Visibility (SEV)
Depending on the business being examined, one or more of the following is typically also included Phase 1.
Social Media
Local Search
Paid Search (PPC)
Depending on the results of the Phase 1 evaluation, recommendations may be made for additional Phase 2 work. This work might include analyses not covered in Phase 1, additional competitors discovered during Phase 1 or the exploration of new areas of investigation uncovered during the Phase 1 evaluation. A more complete SCOR and SEV are generated during this phase of work. Additionally, the following areas are typically explored during Phase 2.
Site Content
User Interface
Total Visibility (SEV)
This is a refresh of the Phase 1 analysis after a period of time. A new SCOR and SEV Report are generated to measure the results of any SEO and digital marketing work done as a result of recommendations made during Phase 1. It also has the advantage of reviewing the competitor landscape again to see if anything has changed in their digital profiles.
In order to proceed, we will need a list of the two or three top competitors you know about. The analysis may turn up others, but it's helpful to know who you perceive as a threat.
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