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111 Web Studio Announces 111 Secure Email

Did you ever wish you could send passwords, HIPAA, PPI (personally protected information), legal contracts or other confidential information via email? Privacy has become more and more critical in today's online world and a well known and accepted security issue is that email is insecure by its very nature. Unless the sender and recipient exchange privacy keys, an arduous and complex process that almost nobody uses, email all goes through the ether as plain text. It's quick, reliable and easy to use, but it's just not secure or private.

Until Now...
Welcome to 111 Secure Mail!

If you need to send an email message to someone and you don't want anyone to be able to sniff out your content or attachments as they pass to your recipient through various routers and servers, AND you happen to be a lucky user of the Build111 or Church111 website builders and content management systems, you're in luck.
111 Secure Mail is an encrypted mail service that is built into all our websites. It allows senders to send and receive secure email and email attachments simply and reliably. Recipients who reply to your secure messages do so with confidence and in total security.

How 111 Secure Mail Works

Your administrator gives you an admin login to your website that allows you to use the secure mail system. When you log in, you simply select "Secure Mail" and click the "Send Secure Mail" button. Fill in your recipient's email address, a message title and text, include an attachment if you need one and hit send. That's it. Your message is encrypted and stored on your server waiting for your recipient to come get it.

Your recipient gets an email message in his regular email box that says "You have a secure message from . It asks them to "Click Here To Unlock and View the Message" and explains that they will be asked to login with their Secure Mail email address and password. If this is the first time they have communicated with you using 111 Secure Mail, they will have an opportunity to create a secure password. From then on, their email address and password are all they need.

Since your encrypted message is stored on your server, when your recipient logs into your server through https, there is a secure, encrypted path all the way from your server to their device, so in reality, the mail is never sent over the Internet and stays encrypted on your own server. Our system administrators can't even read it.

IMF Self Destruct

Just like in Mission Impossible, a further security feature is that the system employs a built in "self-destruct timeout" that you can set from three to thirty days. If a message thread has had no activity or replies past the timeout period, the message and any attachments are permanently deleted from the server. Any reply to the message resets the timer.

Pay for What You Use

One of the nicest features of 111 Secure Mail is that the service is avaliable and free to all 111 clients unless you actually use it. You only pay for 111 Secure Mail when you need it. Anyone who wants to be a secure sender will log in as themselves. When they send a secure message, it goes out as a message from them. Any sender who actually uses the system during a month is charged $5 for that whole month regardless of how many secure messages they send that month. If the sender doesn't send any mail during a month, there is no charge. Total billing for the system is based on the number of active senders during the preceding month.

We hope you enjoy using 111 Secure Mail. We have found it to be very helpful for sending all manor of confidential information through email including private login credentials, PPI, HIPAA protected content, contracts or other sensitive legal content and much more. Sign up for your website through Build111 or Church111 and gain not only 111 Secure Mail, but a host of other useful tools that make your online life much better.

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