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Yellow Pages? What's That?

When 111 Web Studio started in the web business in 1995, if a business didn't have their company listed in the yellow pages, there was really no other way for a local person to find it. They were just invisible. As we all recognize, little by little the yellow pages have become less and less used and search engines have taken over. The last time we got a call from someone who said they found us in the yellow pages was about four years ago and that was from a couple of old guys who had an ancient copy of the book sitting around on a shelf. Today, if you ask a young person about it, you get one of those blank stares like you'd get if you asked a waitress for a cigarette (Yeah, you used to be able to do that). 

So if you can't be found in the yellow pages, where should a small business invest their marketing dollars to be found by people who know they are probably out there, but don't know their exact company? There are basically two choices for online marketing. One is pay per click and the other is organic search.

Pay per click is an easy way to get a quick boost on search engines, but it does cost money to play. In fact, depending on your particular key words, it can cost a lot of money. And when you stop paying, you stop getting the benefit of your financial investment. Organic SEO, on the other hand, is the gift that keeps on giving. If you read all the articles we have written in this blog about SEO and Online Marketing and implement all the things we talk about, your website will start climbing the search results ladder and keep on going. When the search engines recognize that you are the right answer to a particular question, they will present you to those who ask that question. It's that simple. The reason is that if they give searchers the right answer every time, those searchers come back and the search engine owns their eyeballs. That's how they make their money, by owning eyeballs. So even if the yellow pages are dead, your business doesn't have to be invisible. The money you used to invest in "the book" can now be spent much more wisely.

If you need help with getting found on search engines or if you need a great website so people will respect you once they find your site, give us a call at 877.397.7605 or contact 111 Web Studio for more information.

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