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10 Tips to Get Your Blog Noticed

We thought this might be a good time to take a moment and review those things you should consider if you want an effective blog article that will pack a punch and get noticed. You're already a thought leader in your field or you wouldn't be sharing all your great content. The trick now is to make sure your content gets noticed by as wide an audience as possible. We've assembled a list of the top ten things you should think about when writing blog posts to make yours a most effective blog.

Article Length

To make a useful point and generate interest, a blog post should typically be about 400 words. However, there is a place for a longer article, too. Studies have suggested that longer posts may get shared more often if the information is solid. Of course, if you're a regular blogger with, by the way, a real job, you probably don't have the time to generate a deep dive into a particular subject very often, but if you can do it once a month or so, there's a good chance your readers will appreciate it.

60% on the Title

This one may surprise you a bit, but you should try to spend over half the time you spend on your article with getting the title right. If you spend ten minutes writing your article, take 12-15 to think about and work out the best possible title. It should reflect the content and should be catchy enough so someone will glance at it and think, "I need to know about that."

Focus on Keywords

Each article should focus on a particular keyword phrase. You want the keyword to be something you expect a potential visitor to type into a search engine. The keyword should be bold at least once in the article and used two or three times throughout the post for the most effective blog possible.


If possible, you should have a link to an internal page on your own website that is relevant to the topic of your blog post. If it's practical, the most effective blog will add at least one external link, preferably to a highly respected site. An external link shows search engines that you are happy to reference an appropriate source to help establish the validity of your content.

Subsection Title Tags

Subsections separating the content inside your post should be used and should be tagged with the H3 or H4 HTML tags. This helps people identify when they are entering a new topic, but it also helps search engines know what the main topics are in your article.

Video Blog Keywords

If your article is a video blog, you should tag the videos at YouTube with the same keywords you used on your own blog article. It's a good idea to post your videos on YouTube and place them on your website using YouTube's embed code because you get exposure both from your website and also from YouTube. A short video to enhance a blog post can be an effective way to capture the attention of your audience.

Be Helpful Elsewhere

Make an effort to surf the web looking for forums or other blogs where people are having issues that you can help solve. Without making a sales pitch, you can often find a way to provide a comment that links back to one of your posts to answer a particular question or solve a problem for someone. As in all your online efforts, you should try to be helpful rather than sell. If you are helpful and the person needs more attention than you have already provided, they will recognize you as the thought leader you are and they will come to you when they need work done. While you're out there, don't be afraid to engage other bloggers who might profit by linking to you or one of your articles.

Syndicate Your Posts

Just as you have done to promote all that great content on your website, be sure to post links back to your article from Twitter, Facebook and your other social media outlets. The most effective blog articles are shared by others and can generate a lot of healthy traffic for your entire web site.

Sharable Visuals

Most people to be visually oriented and would rather look at a picture rather than read. To make your blog post more sharable, consider a video or at least a visual representation of the topic for people to study and share. Graphics obviously make the article more enticing, but more importantly, if you or someone else likes to use an image sharing platform like Instagram or Pinterest, they will very much appreciate a helpful graphic. Be sure to link back to your article from the image.

As always, if you need help with SEO, social media, blogging or anything else web related, be sure to give us a call at (877) 397-7605 or contact us for more information.

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