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Making Pictures Load Quicker

Have you ever noticed some of your pictures slowly loading on your Build111, Church111, and Agent111 default text pages rather than just popping up when you visit? This happens when you upload and post an image that is larger than you need. Before uploading images for use on your site, decide how big you want them and resize them before uploading. You'll find that all your slow loading image problems disappear! You may also notice that this isn't a problem with image gallery images. That's because our image gallery automatically creates a correctly sized full size image as well as a thumbnail for you when you upload your images. Of course, uploading images that you have already resized to a reasonable size will make your upload times much faster, so before dumping pictures straight from your camera, you should resize those images to something smaller before uploading. Give us a call at 615 370 1530 or contact us if you have any questions about how to resize your images.

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