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111 Webstudio Planned Maintenance Notification


Valued Customer,

Phase 1 of this maintenance will begin at 8PM CST this evening. (8/30/2018)

As a courtesy to all of our customers, we are expanding the below notification to include all 111 customers. Please be advised that the below internet work may not affect your internet connection on your devices directly, it will only effect customers utilizing our hosting services in our Atlanta GA facility.

The One Eleven engineering team has a scheduled maintenance as part of a Critical Internet Redistribution project to increase maintainability and add an additional layer of redundancy to critical systems at our ATL (56 Marietta Street, Atlanta GA) facility. This project will be performed in two separate phases shown below.

Phase 1 - 8/30/2018 8:00PM – 8:30PM 
Prerequisite procedure to reconfigure our networking equipment configuration. All steps associated with Phase 1 should be seamless and non-service effecting. 

Phase 2 - 8/30/2018 - 8:30PM - 10:00PM
Verify peering connectivity with third provider, followed by a planned internet outage drill to verify the additional redundant internet connectivity. All steps associated with Phase 2 has the potential to effect access to your services including websites, emails, DNS, and other services provided by One Eleven. Each failover test is estimated to take approximately five minutes; however, consecutive tests may take place as needed throughout the maintenance period listed above.

Estimated total duration of critical work: 1 hrs.

Maintenance TST# 00000501
Location: ATL1 (56 Marietta, Atlanta)
Maintenance Type: Planned Maintenance
Priority: YELLOW Event - PSA (Potentially Service Affecting)
Product(s)/Asset(s) Affected: Internet Connectivity
Description: Critical Internet Redistribution Project
Start Date/Time: 8/30/2018 08:00 PM CST
End Date/Time: 8/30/2018 10:00 PM CST
Duration: Please see phases above
Related Circuit IDs: 1-300251116

Please refer any questions to: 
The One Eleven Support at or 615-370-1530

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