Date: 25/10/2024
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History of the Internet - Infographic

111 Web Studio began life as Internet Consulting Group (later ICG Link, Inc.),in February of 1995. We registered our first domain name in May just four months after a domain name called came on the scene. I had a 486 Gateway laptop with that amazing Windows 3.1 and a screaming fast 14,400 bps modem. I was running all the high tech Internet programs of the day like "Mosaic," "Eudora," "Usenet," "Fetch," "Gopher," "Netfind," "Archie" and "Finger". There were no smartphones, so I carried Casio Boss PDA and a beeper on my belt. People could send me their phone number and I'd call them back on a land line. When I made cold calls, my opening pitch line was, "Hi Bob. My name is Jack with ICG Link. Have you heard of the Internet?" By the end of 1995, things were really popping and there were some 16 million people online (compared to three billion today).

The most surprising thing about all this ancient history is that it was less than 20 years ago. As everyone knows, a whole lot has changed since then. Today, we can hardly imagine life without the Internet and all the rest of our associated digital extensions.

Well, all this reflection got me thinking it might be nice to take a look at a timeline of the Internet from its beginnings to present day. I guess you could pin the real start when President Eisenhower established the Advanced Research Projects Agency in 1958. But I chose to kick things off a decade later when ARPAnet was born using an advanced technology called packet switching because that's when things really began to heat up.

In 1969 ARPANET had four nodes connecting universities in California and Utah. In 1973, the first international node connected to Norway and from there jumped to London, and by 1982 there were a hundred nodes connected. By 1990, ARPANET's packet switching was abandoned in favor of the Internet's superior TCP/IP protocol which had already been running for seven years. At about that same time, Tim Berners-Lee put together a handful of existing technology to whip up the World Wide Web and everything changed. I hope you enjoy the following infographic. Comments are welcome.

If you have any questions about this, web design, web hosting, on-line programming, SEO, cloud computing or any other related subject, give us a call at 877 397-7605 or contact us for more information.


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