Date: 12/02/2025
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Don't Do It!!!

One of our customers clicked the other day. The result was a minor disaster that cost significant time and money. In that case, it was done by accident, but it turns out that others do it with full knowledge of their actions.

Despite all the internet security warnings that IT experts provide on a regular basis, it turns out that some users are willing to give up their personal security for as little as a penny. Some will hold out for a nickel, a dime or a buck, but regardless, it's clear that most people have no idea the risk in which they place themselves by clicking on a link in a fraudulent email to something they should know better than to possibly trust.  A recent paper entitled, "It's All About the Benjamins," by Carnegie Mellon University's Cylab proved that with just a small incentive, users will click on something and actually install software on their systems, bypassing Windows security warnings to do so. 

You can listen to a podcast by one of the authors talking about it, but the bottom line for all you very smart 111 Web Studio clients is, "Don't Do It!!!" Don't click on links in email or visit websites you don't know about.

  • Malware is dangerous to you.
  • Your bank accounts can be emptied.
  • Ransomware can encrypt your files until you pay a ransom.
  • Your machine can be used in an attack on others.
  • You can be a victim of fraud.

And for those of you thinking, "Gee, you mean someone might pay me to install malware? Where can I sign up?" the cost of having to purchase identity theft protection as a result of such an event will absolutely be higher than any reward you might receive from any incentive. 

So, don't do it. Don't click if you don't know what you're clicking on. Even if you think you might know, take a look at the link to be certain where it actually goes. At the end of the day, your personal protection is up to you. The bad guys are out there, so be warned. Don't be a victim of fraud because your ignored the internet security advice of people you trust for a bit of cash. The old saw is still right on... There ain't no such thing as a free lunch!

If you have any questions about this or other web related issues, give us a call at 877 397-7605 or contact 111 Web Studio for more information.

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