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Your Website's Not Mobile Friendly Yet? What!?

Why is it Important to be Mobile Ready?

Surprisingly, there are still a lot of sites out there that aren't. The problem is that if yours is one of them, you're missing out on two important audiences: Search Engines and People! You can check your own site statistics, but most websites today receive over half their visitors from mobile devices like tablets or phones. Last year Google changed things so that anyone searching on Google from a mobile device will be shown mobile websites as a priority over non-mobile sites. Are you going to be left out of their reuslts?

Why use Responsive Design?

Responsive design is what we use to get a web site to work well on any device including desktops, laptops, tablets held vertically or horizontally or phones. 111 Web Studio uses this method instead of creating a separate mobile website because it's lower cost and can reach more devices than any other method. Responsive sites "respond" to the width of the viewing device and deliver content in a way that that fits that screen size. Images get smaller, buttons may change to work with fingers instead of a mouse and content can actually move around so mobile devices get the best view for them. Responsive design combines desktop design with mobile design on the same website.

How can I Check My Website?

To check whether a site is responsive, open it in a browser on a desktop computer and make sure your browser isn't set to use full screen. Drag the side of the browser window to narrow the width of the browser. As you do, notice what happens to the website. If it changes as you get narrower, the site is responsive. To see responsive design in action, try it on ICG Link's site or on 111 Web Studio. Both work on all size screens. If you are still not sure? Give us a buzz, we will let you know!

What Does it Take to Become Responsive?

It usually doesn't take much to accomplish this and you might even want to fold in a redesign in the process. One nice thing about our Build111 and Church111 website builders is that your content stays in place and we just put a new face on the site. This reduces cost and makes it easy on you to do an update since the design is separated from the admin area and content you add to your site.

Let's Get Started!

Getting mobile ready is important to both your visitors and search engines so delay no longer! And if your site does need a redesign, making it mobile ready is a great time to do that because we can design the new look of your site from the ground up in such a way as to accomplish both goals and minimize cost. Give us a call at (877) 397-7605 or email for more information.



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