Date: 23/01/2025
Email: Keep my email address private
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Email Marketing Tips

All marketers know that an efficient way to get information to intended audiences is to collect their email addresses and reach them through a mass marketing email campaign. Email can be a solid and productive method for communicating your message, but only if it's done right. In today's world, people are busier then ever and will skip over email messages they think may waste what little time they do have. Your job is to catch their eye and impart only information that is valuable and relevant to them right now. There are several considerations you can take into account when sending out email messages.

Use A Purpose Built Email Marketing Service

The first thing to know when sending out a mass email message is NOT to send it from your personal email account. Some ISPs block the sending of mail to more than a certain number of recipients. But if yours doesn't, you still might not get your message through because the receiving server may recognize a flood of mail from a single sender as spam and block mail to protect their recipient. Many of you already use either a third party mass mailing service, the handy 111 Web Studio eBlast email marketing tool that is built into our Build111 and Church111 web site builders or the stand-alone eBlast111 service. But for those who are still sending messages from their email client, consider yourself warned.

Be Can-Spam Act Compliant

The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 establishes the first national standards for sending of commercial e-mail and requires the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to enforce its provisions. Most email marketing systems like our eBlast services have provisions built into them to meet the architectural requirements of the act such as the exclusion of false headers, avoidance of open relays, a place for you to add a physical address or PO Box, an easy to use unsubscribe mechanism that will often allow recipients to opt out immediately in order to meet the law's 10 day requirement. However there are other things you must do including the use of harvested email addresses, a valid "From" address, a relevant title and a clear label for adult content.

Don't Be a Spammer

At all cost, you must avoid being identified as a spammer. Mail servers that receive mail have automatic systems that will block your messages and all future messages from your mail server's IP address to ALL their recipients if you are identified as a source of spam. In case you are uncertain as to whether a message is spam, it's easy to know. If the message recipient didn't opt in, then it's spam; it's that simple. If you send someone a message that they didn't ask for or expect from you, it's spam. Don't buy lists; build your own lists from customers, members and other contacts that will expect mail from you.

Use Catchy Titles

The same rules apply to email subject lines as they do for a blog article title. People won't become engaged unless you provide something that engages them. It must be either useful, entertaining, interesting or relevant to their personal situation. If you do that, they'll check out the email message because the subject line caught their eye. Of course, the title must fit the content, but if the content is great, then developing a great title will be easy to do.

Provide Useful, Relevant Content

If you don't deliver value every time, the recipient may just learn to skip over your messages every time or may even unsubscribe. Make sure that the old rule is followed; unique, relevant content will be viewed. It fits for email, blog articles and page content on your website. Don't waste people's time and they will learn to look forward to your content. Be helpful and considerate, providing content that your recipients will be able to use. You will be appreciated for it.

Call to Action

If you're going to the trouble of putting something in someone's mailbox, it's always nice if you can generate a return from your effort. You should be clear in your email message about the action that you want the recipient to take. The best call-to-action is one that will help them and also help you.

By providing relevant content to an audience who is expecting to receive it and by providing value to them, your email marketing campaigns will be recognized as such and your efforts will be successful and productive for both you and your recipients.

If you would like to know more about 111 Web Studio's eBlast email marketing systems that are built into our Build111 and Church111 website builders or about our stand-alone eBlast111 email marketing tool, give us a call at (877) 397-7605 or contact us online.

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